domenica 25 giugno 2023

Life's Paradise Beach and Streamlife Art Gallerys:what to see and to do on my lands - updated

 There you go a step by step updated guide of my Streamlife Lands.

On the Left at Wajo Hill there is the Streamlife Art Gallery with over 100 of my abstract paintings and a free gift for the visitors.
Here you can play Lindo Virtual Flower.

You can easily take the teleporter and hop to every place :-)

The Beach were I used to do many fun dance partys.

In the middle, behind
is my cool 2xtreme Home.

On the right you can find the Streamlife Bestsellers Art Gallery,a selection of the most sold Paintings.Thanks to all!!
Here you can play Virtual Fishing.

Over the Streamlife Bestsellers is the Streamlife Club that you can reach with the teleporter or the stairs on the right!
Here you can play Lindo Virtual Flower too.

At 3500 meters there is my second house "The Manor" of Redgrave where you can play Virtual fishing, play Minigolf and Chess.

At 2000 meters there is the Streamlife Foto Exhibit of my Art Fotos.

A selection of colored and black and white Art Fotos.

At 4000 metere there is the new Planetarium

A place to chill and dance,where I combined to different products to make it more realistic:-)

So far this are the places at Wajo Hill.

Then there is the Streamlife Art Gallery.The Original of 2008 at Pushkin. A selection of my Art Portfolio and the special thing is that it is a part of the original Art Gallery Building I used back in 2008:-)

My Place changes every now and then,I will update again!

Welcome everyone to my World of light and colors :-)

sabato 10 giugno 2023

New Art Exhibit@Hearts Club of DJ Azreal

 A new wonderful place for my Art Exhibit "The dream Collection of Life" at the Hearts Club.

I am happy to show my Art there and I really thank you the very kind Owner DJ Azreal!!!


Come visit and have fun at the Hearts!!!

There are many events and shops for every need!And awesome music!Welcome!

New Art Exhibit@ Elven Falls Art Collective...EFAC

  Today is the Opening of my Art Exhibit at EFAC!! At 9 am slt here the slurl ...