lunedì 12 settembre 2022

Streamlife...some memories

Here a little bit of history/story about the Streamlife Art Gallery and about my Art Exhibitions.

Streamlife was in the beginning (2008) a collaborative Art Gallery,a place where people from all around the world SL and RL used to show their art in my Gallery and collaborate in a fantastic way. Some Artist like Judi Lynn India, Binary Quandry,Jofus Wrigglesworth, Kolor Fall, Gleman Jun, Anathaniel Gausman, Melodyblue Melody (live music singer and artist),Texanna Schumann,Betty Tureaud and many many other.
A collaborative Art Project with Seba Sideways, with Torben Asp and with Sid Slade (take a look in the Streamlife Art Gallery for it) where music and image where united in a great project. An Image with sound,interactive.Simple.
It was also a place of many Live Music Shows to support the Vernissages.
Such a great time and memories.
If you are curious just take a look at the fotos and videos, they are some examples :)


In the first times I used to do Black&White SL Photos:

Then I began to show my Black&White RL Photos
An example of my partecipation @ the Pirats Art Network,where I showed many times my Art work:

Streamlife was also present in other places like Indie Vallery, UKD Island and many more

New Art Exhibit@ Elven Falls Art Collective...EFAC

  Today is the Opening of my Art Exhibit at EFAC!! At 9 am slt here the slurl ...